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medical face masks and hand sanitizer

COVID-19 Safety

I am so ready to not only see your gorgeous face, but also to keep you safe and healthy during your visit!


Below you will find a list with the details of our new appointment requirements.


While it's not the most exciting thing to read, it does give you the information you need to know before I invite you into the salon.


The State of Michigan has organized a list of procedures that I cannot sway from if I want to keep working. I promise that I am doing everything in my power to make your experience as comfortable as I possibly can despite our restrictions.


Please remember that this situation is temporary. If you cannot  participate in these protocols, you can simply wait until the restrictions are lifted.


Please read on!

-PLEASE ARRIVE 10 MINUTES EARLY. When you arrive, please call the salon and let them know you have arrived.


-All services will be one on one. You cannot bring anyone without an appointment into the salon. 


-Personal items must be limited to your Cellphone, Car Keys, Your Wallet, and a closed container drink. NO PURSES OR BAGS ALLOWED. Please lock your doors and keep your belongings hidden as best you can.


-Everyone entering the salon must wear a mask that loops around the ears. This is for the safety of every patron in the building. I will also be wearing a mask. If you do not have one or simply do not want to worry about getting haircolor on your own mask, you can purchase a disposable mask for $1.00 at the front desk. Wearing a mask is required by my business insurance for liability reasons. If you cannot physically wear a mask, you will have to wait until our restrictions are lifted. MASK REFUSAL WILL RESULT IN APPOINTMENT REFUSAL. 


-You will have your temperature taken with a touch-less thermometer. You must have a temperature of 100.0 degrees or less to remain in the salon.


-Anyone showing signs of sickness will be rescheduled for a later date.


-At the start of each day, I will have my temperature taken. This is required for everyone that works at the salon. If we do not pass the temperature check we do not clock in. If this happens, you will be notified and rescheduled.



-During all color services, I will leave you alone to process. I know we have a lot to catch up on , but this will reduce exposure time during long appointments. While you wait you can use your phone or just relax. Don't worry, I'll be around to check in on you.


- I will not be serving any drinks or snacks. There will be bottled water available by request.



Still with me? I know, that was a lot. It's a lot for us too. Please be patient with the front desk staff while we navigate these weird uncharted waters.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me using the link below.

New Guidlines


Located Inside:

My Salon Suite

3192 S Linden Rd #304

Flint, MI 48507

Text Only: 810-230-4210


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Amanda Neeley Hair

Hair Salon Flint MI



Thurs 3-9

Fri 3-9

Sat 10-6

Sun 10-5

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